The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

LDS Dallas Stake holds interfaith Juneteenth celebration

On Saturday, June 16, 2018, the Dallas Texas Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in conjunction with Lifeway Church and the North Texas Genesis Group celebrated African-American heritage, family history and the annual commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S. –or  Juneteenth, as it is called. (Watch the Juneteenth Celebration Video)

Dr. Karen Hollie Thibodeaux, Pastor of The Lifeway Church of Dallas

This year’s celebration builds on relationships formed over the years that led to the Dallas Stake initially hosting a Juneteenth event in 2017. Pastor Karen Hollie Thibodeaux, Lifeway Church of Dallas, said, “I was really impressed with the interfaith participation and the kindness and love that the LDS members extended.  I grew up celebrating and knowing the significance of Juneteenth. Therefore, two years ago I thought my interfaith friends’ inclusion would afford us an opportunity to bridge relationships and understanding of one another’s challenges and paths to liberation. President Mark Romney and the LDS congregation opened their hearts and home and allowed us to experience the teachings of Jesus Christ… love thy neighbor as thyself.”

The celebration was open to all North Texas LDS members and residents of surrounding communities and well-attended.

David W Patterson, !st Counselor in the Dallas Texas Stake Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

In addition to the Lifeway Church of Dallas and the Genesis Group, a special invitation was again extended to the Desoto Islamic Center and the DFW Family Church who joined the festivities for the first time.  “It was very exciting to have even more of our neighbors celebrate with us at Juneteenth 2018. Last year we had three different congregations represented, and this year we enjoyed the fellowship of five different Congregations […] I commented to Dr. Polk as we overlooked the event [that] ‘This is what the Lord would have church look like every week!’ And she agreed,” said  David W. Patterson of the LDS Dallas Texas Stake presidency.

Imam Marzuk Jaami of the Desoto Muslim Center. (Photo: Fox4News

Imam Marzuk Jaami of the Desoto Muslim Center, who attended the event, expressed his appreciation that the history of Juneteenth was shared byPastor Thibodeaux and President Mark Romney, whose remarks included remembrances of those who sacrificed their lives, both slave and free.  Imam Jaami remarked, “All people, but especially African Americans should know that it took many voices and races, including politicians, abolitionists, soldiers and those who worked and supported the underground railroad, to free the slaves in America.” He added, “God said, ‘I created you to toil and struggle for surely after the difficulties come ease.’ We all have it much easier now, and are thankful to God for the ability to reflect back on history to be able to enjoy this event.”

The timing of the 2018 Juneteenth celebration was perfect as it followed the LDS church’s commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the June 1, 1978, Revelation on the Priesthood, which highlighted the significance of this year’s Juneteenth celebration.

Reverend Mark Hernandez, DFW Family Church

The event was held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Duncanville and featured activities such as a talent show, face-painting, a clown act,  cookout, games, music, and fellowship, in addition to an open house tour of the facility and opportunities to learn about family history work.  Said Reverend Mark Hernandez of DFW  Family Church, “My wife Yuri and I were looking forward to bringing our grandchildren and enjoying the Juneteenth Celebration […] but it exceeded our expectations and theirs. The church had prepared well and provided fun diversions and games for children of all ages. The talent show was also entertaining.  I personally was moved that a racially and religiously diverse group of men, women, and children gathered to celebrate Juneteenth and declare by our presence that its significance is important to us, beyond those differences. My five-year-old grandson was happy we had brought him and his sister and is looking forward to next year. He liked the “go fishing” booth best. We are grateful to have been invited and honored to have had a chance to address the group, even briefly.” 

North Texas Genesis Group President Ramesus Stewart-Johnson

LDS Dallas Texas Stake leaders have cultivated a strong ongoing relationship with The Lifeway Church of Dallas and the Desoto Islamic Center and look forward to strengthening ties with Reverend Hernandez and the DFW Family Church and building new relationships, so that next year’s celebration will be even more inclusive.

Ramesus Stewart-Johnson, president of the North Texas Genesis Group said, “It’s a wonderful thing to bring different groups of people, who are celebrating their commonalities versus their differences. Our Juneteenth Celebration has become just that; through song and spoken word, similarities are amplified, while not forgetting our past, we are collaborating to foster a dream into reality.