The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
in North Texas

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Giving Machines Returning

The Light the World Texas Giving Machines are returning in 2024 to North Texas. One hundred percent of your donations goes directly to the seven charities, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See dates and locations! 


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It’s February already! 🩷💜 Have you been thinking of ways to get out and spread the LOVE a little bit more this year?  🫶🏼

Well, here is a great resource (and some samples below in the Plano area,) on how to find various local ways you can serve in the community! 🤲🏼

Just visit, type in your zip code and lots of local opportunities pop up! 😃👍🏼

Great projects to do as a family, youth group, friends group, or on your own. The possibilities are endless and the feeling you & those you help get from it is the best! 🧡 

Let’s help our neighbors a bit more this year and see how it blesses lives and lightens burdens! 🥰 


It’s February already! 🩷💜 Have you been thinking of ways to get out and spread the LOVE a little bit more this year? 🫶🏼

Well, here is a great resource (and some samples below in the Plano area,) on how to find various local ways you can serve in the community! 🤲🏼

Just visit, type in your zip code and lots of local opportunities pop up! 😃👍🏼

Great projects to do as a family, youth group, friends group, or on your own. The possibilities are endless and the feeling you & those you help get from it is the best! 🧡

Let’s help our neighbors a bit more this year and see how it blesses lives and lightens burdens! 🥰

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7 days ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Great list of projects!

The Chinese Congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Plano held another Chinese New Year celebration event this past weekend and it was fabulous, as usual!

2025 is the year of the Snake, which represents wisdom, mystery and transformation. Wisdom helps us make better decisions, mystery, sparks curiosity and transformation can lead to new opportunities. (Source:

There were many in attendance from various cultures and faiths in this family-friendly event. The food, music, performances (by adults and children alike) and ever eye-catching Lion Dance (a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture which mimics a lion’s movements to bring good luck and fortune) were stunning. At the end, the hongbao or  “Little Red Envelope” was handed out to children as a traditional way to wish good luck in the new year.

Everyone had an enjoyable time and especially enjoyed learning a bit more about the Chinese culture. Always a fun way to start out our year in Plano!  

Can’t wait for next year’s & we hope you’ll join us! 🐍👹🎊🧧Image attachmentImage attachment

The Chinese Congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Plano held another Chinese New Year celebration event this past weekend and it was fabulous, as usual!

2025 is the year of the Snake, which represents wisdom, mystery and transformation. Wisdom helps us make better decisions, mystery, sparks curiosity and transformation can lead to new opportunities. (Source:

There were many in attendance from various cultures and faiths in this family-friendly event. The food, music, performances (by adults and children alike) and ever eye-catching Lion Dance (a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture which mimics a lion’s movements to bring good luck and fortune) were stunning. At the end, the hongbao or “Little Red Envelope” was handed out to children as a traditional way to wish good luck in the new year.

Everyone had an enjoyable time and especially enjoyed learning a bit more about the Chinese culture. Always a fun way to start out our year in Plano!

Can’t wait for next year’s & we hope you’ll join us! 🐍👹🎊🧧
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1 week ago

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

😍🪭Wish I was there! Looks beautiful and so fun!⛩️🧧

Very cool

This is awesome!!

See more

Temples in North Texas

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been building temples since the 1830s. Temples are considered houses of God, places of holiness and peace separate from the world’s preoccupations. They provide a place where Church members can make formal promises and commitments to God to follow His son, Jesus Christ, and live righteous lives. God promises to bless and strengthen those who stay true to these sacred promises. Learn more about the temples located in North Texas below.