Service, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Youth

Bake Sale Yields Sweet Blessings

Featured Photo: Christi N., Merritt, Amy G., and Lauren P., all seniors at Prosper High School, coordinated efforts to sell the baked goods donated by friends and members of their local congregations. Photos by Kathryn Bauss

Merritt Bauss, a Prosper High School senior and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, recently spent several hours on a weekend sharing her time, talents, and heart to give aid to strangers in need instead of feeling overwhelmed about current events. Bauss organized a bake sale in her subdivision in Celina, Texas, on September 3 to benefit Haitians and Afghans affected by natural disasters and political turmoil.

Bauss feels that a summer 2021 trip to Puerto Rico to help rebuild homes for others increased her love for humanitarian efforts and “opened my eyes to the vast number of people whose lives can be blessed through service.” Throughout August as she watched the news with her parents, she felt deep compassion for “the difficulties [that] the people of Afghanistan and Haiti are going through.” She decided that a bake sale was one way she could make a difference.

Katie McBride and children browse the selections available at the bake sale.

Bauss organized all the details, soliciting donations of baked goods from approximately thirty of her church friends and neighbors, advertising through social media, making signage, and recruiting a crew of like-minded friends to help her sell the goodies on their school holiday.

Neighbors and church members showed strong support that day and the signs attracted a few more passersby, with nearly a hundred people buying treats or donating funds. A homemade cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting was the most popular item of the day, but when the three-hour bake sale ended, every last delicious crumb had been sold. Donations totaled over $2,200, which Bauss is sending on to the CNewC Center in Haiti as well as the International Rescue Committee overseeing Afghan relief efforts.

Bauss, who hopes to attend Brigham Young University and study Business Marketing after graduation, says that she has learned much from this experience: “First, I learned that it is no easy feat to organize a service project! It takes a lot of effort to coordinate all of the parts to make it a success. Secondly, I learned that there is so much good in the world! So many people were so willing to help me with this fundraiser and so many people wanted to donate to help others in need.”

Bauss adds, “My mom and I are always looking for new ways to serve. I would encourage people to seek out service opportunities, whether it be for a global issue or one in your community. There are so many people to serve and there are even more people that are willing to help you serve.” What a wonderful example of Christlike compassion, lifting where we stand, and doing what we can to make a difference!

Click here for another report of Merritt Bauss’s service project in The Prosper Press. is an easy way to connect with local organizations in need of volunteers. Organizations post both their short and long-term needs on the site. Postings are organized by area so finding a service project close to home has never been simpler!