Christmas, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

It’s the Little Things

From the words of a favorite song:

Christmas is a feeling, filling the air,
It’s love and joy and laughter of people everywhere.
Christmas is a feeling, bringing good cheer,
It reaches out to touch us as the holidays draw near.

At the holiday time, it’s important to remember these four words: It’s the little things.
It’s a wonderful time of year for caring, sharing, service, love, family, and other things we are so very grateful for. All are about the celebrating of the Savior’s birth in such humble circumstances on this earth so long ago. With all the holiday celebrations, ‘It’s the little things’ that mean so very much to God’s children.

‘It’s the little things’ that will bring us peace on earth in our little corner of the world. ‘It’s the little things’ we remember and do for others, not just family and friends, that can make a big difference. It’s the smile we give to others who we may not know, those who may be deep in thought, or are feeling lonely at a difficult time of year. It’s the ‘thank you’ to others who give us service all year long. It’s those who serve us at stores, serve our country, those who work for our cities and states we need to remember. It’s the teachers who teach our children. It’s the not the kindness we receive, but the kindness we can give to others: kind words, kind actions, kind deeds.

Let us remember ‘the little things’ that make others happy are small, but can be very big things in people’s lives who don’t have all that we may, both materially and spiritually. ‘It’s the little things’ we give of ourselves, that don’t have monetary value, but may have eternal consequences in the changing of hearts, minds, and spirits in the eternities.

The Savior has taught us through his actions, that ‘little things’— feeding others, caring for others, and listening to others— are what is lasting. The Lord has taught us through His scriptures, that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass”.

If Christmas is a feeling,
bringing such good cheer,
then why, oh why, can’t you
and I try to make it last all year?
Why can’t it last all year?

It can. May we put forth an effort to make it last all year.  May we remember that ‘it’s the little things’ that we do and say that make a big difference in this life.

By small and simple things, are great things brought to pass. (Alma 37: 6)

Tom Carver is the public affairs director for the Burleson Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.