
Life of Faith; Preparation for Service

Meet Chevelle Pridgett, newly called to serve as African American Outreach Specialist for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Texas. 

Chevelle Pridgett, one of the first African American Outreach Specialists in Texas

Chevelle and Oscar Pridgett, married for 36 years, were high school sweethearts, who grew up Baptist and always stayed close to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While living in Louisiana with one young daughter, they felt something was missing. 

“We were searching for a new church,” said Chevelle. “We were praying and praying and had not even heard of [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] before.”

One evening, after the Pridgett’s had prayed together, a knock came at the door. There stood two young missionaries in white shirts and ties. 

“They hadn’t even planned on coming to our home. They had an appointment that canceled last minute and were leaving on their bikes. As they were riding away, their bikes turned into our yard unintentionally – or so they thought. It was meant to be.

Chevelle and Oscar Pridgett

“They would come to our home twice a week and it felt good. We prayed about it. We had been praying so much and visiting other churches; this one just felt right. We were searching and knew this was the right thing for us.”

Two months later, the Pridgetts were baptized as members of The Church of Jesus Christ. 

“We felt like we were members of the Church before we even joined. We didn’t drink or smoke. It was an easy transition for us. We’ve always been spiritual people and had a background of knowing Jesus Christ.”

Chevelle Pridgett

A short time after their baptism, in 1989, the Pridgetts relocated from Louisiana to North Dallas for Oscar’s job. 

“It would have been easy to disappear and leave the Church after we moved, where no one knew us, but we always had strong faith and knew this church was good for us. We’ve been active ever since and have both served in many callings.”

And the service continues. More than 30 years after the two young missionaries knocked on the Pridgett’s door, Chevelle is now blazing a new trail as one of the first African American Outreach Specialists in Texas. 

“I love to serve. I’m very excited about this opportunity. It’s so important to embrace and reach out to the African American community. I look forward to building that bridge of understanding, to show them who we (members of the Church) are, to get to know us better, and serve side-by-side with them.”

Chevelle shines brightly with a friendly and confident personality, which is evident when she talks about her passion – fashion. She owns a small business, Chevelle’s Style, where she teaches women how to dress and look their best. 

The Pridgett Family

“I show them how to find styles specific for their body type. How to dress for you and not the trends. To help figure out how you want to portray yourself and create your image.

“I love to shop and I love fashion. That’s my thing! And helping women is what I love to do.”

Chevelle and Oscar reside in the Lewisville Stake and have four grown daughters – Kelli, Lexus, and twins Shena and Shira – that all reside close by in the Dallas area, and one grandson.

By Clairissa Cooper

Clairissa Cooper is a freelance marketing professional and photographer. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she serves as an Assistant Director of Communications – Media for the Dallas Coordinating Council.

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John spowart

February 28, 2021

Yeah! This makes me so happy!