
Little Elm Children Organize Clothing Swap Benefiting Back-to-Schoolers

Featured Photo: The well-attended Clothing Swap provided exciting new wardrobe choices for Little Elm area Back-to-Schoolers. Photo by Heather Hobbs.

Little Elm area children volunteered their time to help organize a Clothing Swap, providing free clothing to those in need on August 7, 2021. The Clothing Swap, hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, gave young girls and boys, ages 8-11, the opportunity to learn organizational skills and cooperation as they gathered community donations.

The girls spent a Friday evening organizing all the items by size and setting up displays throughout the church building at 8801 Martop Rd. in Aubrey, Texas. The Clothing Swap was open to all to come and browse through clothing, shoes, coats, and even Halloween costumes.

The timing of the event was especially convenient for parents of back-to-schoolers. Julie Leyer, a mother at the swap, said this was a great opportunity to find clothes for her teenage son. “He’s going through a growth spurt and needs new clothes.” Many people came prepared with empty bags to carry their finds home.

Any leftover clothing will be donated to various organizations, including shelters on the border of Texas and Mexico, according to Trulee Packer, president of the Little Elm Stake Primary, the children’s organization within the Church of Jesus Christ.

After the event, the volunteer boys with their leaders helped clean up and pack the donation trailer. The smiles on the faces of the children who helped with the clothing swap proved that they had a valuable experience that taught them the joy of service.