9-11 Day of Service, Service

Local Charities and First Responders benefit from Patriot Day Acts of Service

Eight congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the Colleyville area commemorated the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance with service projects benefitting the Red Cross, DFW National Cemetery, Action Alliance International, Rio Valley Relief Project, Cook’s Children’s Hospital, GRACE, HEB first responders, and firefighters from three Colleyville fire stations.

The Colleyville Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encompasses eight congregations from Colleyville, Grapevine, Keller, and Southlake. Each congregation participated in acts of service to commemorate Patriot Day, National Day of Service, and Remembrance. Church members donated hours to plan, prepare, and execute projects benefiting their communities. These efforts added to the estimated 30 million individuals worldwide who participate annually in this National Day of Service.

Patriot Day, also known as 9/11 Day, serves as a poignant reminder of the unity that emerged among Americans after the 9/11 tragedy. It provides a positive and appropriate way for people to annually renew their promise to “Never Forget” those killed and injured on 9/11. (Source: 9/11 Day)

Members of the Grapevine 1st congregation gathered food and supplies for GRACE, a charitable organization based in Grapevine. GRACE’s mission is to be stewards of God’s blessings and resources in the community.

Grapevine, National Day of Service.

Members of the Grapevine 2nd congregation collected supplies for HEB doctors, nurses, and firefighters. Nancy Harrison, one of the organizers of the project, shared, “Our firefighters requested cookies and Bluebell Ice Cream, and we’re delivering it to them!” They spread joy as they delivered treats and supplies.

In Colleyville, church members honored firefighters by visiting each of the three fire stations in the community. They carried bottled drinks, snacks, and cards expressing gratitude, which were prepared by youth and children. One member commented, “I’ve never met a firefighter who doesn’t love their job.” A firefighter responded, “Neither have I. We love what we do.”

Colleyville, National Day of Service.

Families from Southlake 1st celebrated Patriot Day by dropping off food donations to be delivered to Lovepacs. Lovepacs provides meals for students who would otherwise go hungry during the holidays. Members were grateful to serve and to create a positive experience for their children. Clinton Ford said, “The kids came with bikes decorated and ready to participate.”

The Southlake 2nd Congregation, along with the Young Single Adult congregation, joined others in the community to assemble hygiene kits for the Rio Valley Relief Project and Cook Children’s Hospital. The Rio Valley Relief Project is a non-profit organization assisting asylum seekers and refugees.

Southlake, National Day of Service

In collaboration with Action Alliance International, Keller 1st congregation contributed backpacks for families.  Action Alliance’s goal is to support refugees as they transition into their new lives and homes in America.

Keller, National Day of Service

The Keller 2nd Congregation gave by donating a bit of themselves at the American Red Cross Blood Drive. They also traveled to the DFW National Cemetery to participate in a brief ceremony and serve by cleaning headstones.

These acts of service performed by the Colleyville Stake congregations reflect the spirit of unity and community support that Patriot Day seeks to inspire, ensuring that the promise to “Never Forget” endures through meaningful actions and service.