
NEW TEXAS DALLAS EAST MISSION CREATED: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Featured Photo: President Neldon and Sister Dawna Seitz

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently reorganized proselyting boundaries and opened the Texas Dallas East Mission.

The mission was one of eight announced in November of 2019 bringing the total number of missions of the Church to 407. Changes to mission boundaries occur regularly based on the needs and demands of each area around the world. These new missions were created from the division of existing missions.

Of the eight new missions, only two were in the United States and both were in Texas— Texas Austin and Texas Dallas East.

The Texas Dallas East mission includes both large and small cities including Tyler, Longview, Gilmer, Sherman, Plano, Heath, Allen, McKinney, and also expands into parts of Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

The Texas Dallas East Mission officially opened on July 1, 2020, with President Neldon and Sister Dawna Seitz presiding. The First Presidency of the Church, the highest presiding authority, called 130 new mission presidents and companions in January of 2020, including President and Sister Seitz.

“We have been so welcomed here in Texas,” says President Seitz. “We appreciate the acceptance, open arms and love we have felt. We are grateful for people’s kindness towards us.”

President Seitz (55), is an optometrist by profession. When he got the call to serve in this unpaid responsibility as the mission president, he made arrangements for his brother to help sustain his practice in Vernal, Utah. He and Dawna have six children, five sons and one daughter, who just graduated from high school prior to their move to Texas.

“We are excited for the opportunity to serve and be with these wonderful missionaries,” says President Seitz.

The mission president and his wife will serve for three years and are responsible for more than 200 missionaries. These missionaries are young men and women ranging in age from 18 to 25.

“We are here to care for each missionary spiritually, emotionally and physically,” says President Seitz. “We meet with each one at least every six weeks and hold trainings regularly.” 

President Neldon and Dawna Seitz have a history of lifelong service in the Chruch but are humbled to serve in this capacity of unmatched responsibility.

The Texas Dallas East Mission has primarily English and Spanish missionaries. President and Sister Seitz say they hope to help the missionaries be humble in their calling but confident in their ability to teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

The missionary effort is based on the New Testament pattern of missionaries serving in pairs, teaching the gospel and baptizing believers in the name of Jesus Christ. Missionaries feel their work is similar to the work of Peter and John in the book of Acts.

Missionaries contact people in many ways, including knocking on doors and getting referrals from family and friends. Most recently, missionaries have found other ways to teach, due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19. President Seitz has worked with missionaries to find creative contacting methods, including utilizing social media outlets. They have adjusted and adapted to the unique nature of this pandemic.

“We love what we’re doing, and we love the people here,” says President Seitz. “We have felt that the people of Texas are a very Christlike people.”  

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Phillip C. Smith

September 14, 2020

My grandson Miguel Garnica is in the Teas Dallas East Mission. We are so proud of him. He is a wonderful young man.