Flower Mound, JustServe, Lewisville, Light the World, North Texas, Service, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

North Texas Saints ‘Light the World’

The Christmas season and celebration of its true meaning is well underway in North Texas.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are participating in the “Light the World” Christmas initiative, which focuses on giving service, time, and love to others during the holiday season. The campaign, now in its third year, invites people around the world to “Give as He Gave” and follow the example of the Savior Jesus Christ.

A completed functioning well where water is manually pumped out and into jerry cans. Photo courtesy of Catherine Fredericksen

One service suggestion is to discover a way to help someone in another part of the world. Catherine Fredericksen and Pamela Moore, members of the Lantana and Highland Village wards, respectively, took that suggestion to heart. The friends started a non-profit organization that provides clean water wells, hygiene and birth kits, education scholarships, and many other beneficial programs for African communities. It’s for Africa!, which started in 2017, works “to empower Africans to overcome poverty and reach their full potential by helping them to improve their health, cultivate their dignity, and become increasingly self-reliant,” according to their website.

One project underway is working in tandem with other organizations in Africa to provide clean water through borehole wells. The people provide the labor to create the well while donations fund the costs of the project – a great boost to villages that would not normally be able to afford the wells on their own.

Fredericksen and Moore saw first-hand the impact this service has on the people living in impoverished countries during a self-funded service expedition to Uganda.

“That trip was quite eye-opening and emotionally taxing as I witnessed the poverty, health, and hygiene problems the people face on a daily basis,” said Fredericksen. “The need for clean water was made crystal clear to me.”

Photo courtesy of Suzanne Semones

Also recognizing the need for clean water in other parts of the world, Suzanne Semones joined forces with another non-profit organization called Vision Cambodia. Semones, a member of the Flower Mound 2nd Ward, felt a connection to helping the people of Cambodia since her daughter and son-in-law both served a mission there for The Church of Jesus Christ. Through her donation, a water well was built for a village.

“Providing a well in Cambodia was a great Christmas gift for all,” Semones said. “I keep this picture in my planner so that I will always remember the many gifts I have been given.”

Renee Webb of the Flower Mound 1st ward was asked by her parents to perform a service for someone else in their behalf rather than purchase a gift. That service is then written in a letter, given to the parents, and then placed on their tree for them to open Christmas morning.

Webb also enjoys giving to others anonymously.

“Lots of laughter and fun memories have come from trying to get something on someone’s door and running away before being caught,” said Webb. “It’s been a wonderful holiday tradition to leave something on a doorstep that lifts spirits at Christmastime.”

Jani Blocker of the Flower Mound 2nd ward noted that there are service opportunities all around if you pay attention. One day she noticed a man picking through the garbage to find lunch. She went over and spoke with him, asked him what he’d like to eat and bought him lunch at the nearby taco stand. Decorating Christmas trees for nursing homes, taking a non-driving friend to an activity, and giving blood were all simple, but meaningful ways to show her love of Jesus Christ.

“The Lord had let me in on a little bit of his work during the holiday and I felt happy,” Blocker said.

Photo courtesy of Ashley Asay

Ashley Asay of the Lantana ward shared one of her favorite “Light the World” activities. She prints notes that say “Thanks for helping light the world! Put this towards your electric bill.” The note accompanies a $2 bill and is left on the doorstep of houses that have unique Christmas light displays.

“It is a fun way to get the family out and spread the message of lighting the world,” said Asay.

To help strengthen her family, Lisa Webb of the Flower Mound 1st Ward shares a new faith-promoting video each day by text with her children who have moved away from home as well as a few close friends and family members.

Those participating in the initiative can share their experiences on social media using the hashtag #LightTheWorld. For more information, visit LightTheWorld.org and to find ways to serve in your community, opportunities can be found on JustServe.org.


By Clairissa Cooper

Clairissa Cooper is a freelance marketing professional and photographer. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she serves as an Assistant Director of Communications – Media for the Dallas Coordinating Council.