Family, Hymns, Music, Worship

Pianist Garth Smith to Perform in Fort Worth

By Janene Nielsen

LDSLivingAd-Fireside-WebAd-300x250-largerLDS artist/pianist Garth Smith will present a multi-media fireside titled The Hymns: Another Witness of Jesus Christ at the Fort Worth Stake Center Sunday, May 17, at 7:00 PM. This 60 minute presentation features a Christ-centered narrative, live piano, video, and stunning LDS art that supports the concepts being discussed. The fireside is designed to inspire the viewers with insights that show just how powerful the LDS hymns can be to motivate one to righteous actions, offer comfort, and draw us closer to the Savior.

While Garth Smith is in North Texas promoting the debut of his new cd How Beautiful Thy Temples, the intention of this fireside is strictly to provide a motivating, uplifting, and spiritually inspiring experience for all who attend. There is neither mention of CD sales nor CD promotion of any sort.

How Beautiful Thy Temples by Garth Smith
“How Beautiful Thy Temples” by Garth Smith

Garth Smith, a Brigham City, Utah native, began his musical journey as a small child.

“Melodies and composing are both something that have come very naturally to me. In fact, when I was only three years old, my mother tells me that I would stand at the piano and pick out Primary song melodies,” said Smith.

Smith’s musical focus hasn’t always been sacred music. He spent nine years living not far from Nashville where he was an aspiring country music songwriter.

“I performed at the famed Bluebird Café several times,” said Smith. “However, the country music industry was taking me down a path that had the potential to split my family apart. During this time I had performed several original arrangements of hymns in sacrament meetings. My wife began to encourage me to pursue LDS hymn arrangements. I didn’t listen to her for many years—why are we husbands so stubborn?

LDS Pianist and Songwriter Garth Smith
LDS Pianist and Songwriter Garth Smith

“Eventually, I began to realize that this was what my calling was in the music industry. As more and more people told me that they felt the Spirit through my music, I knew that I had a purpose now, to share uplifting, inspirational music through original hymn arrangements. I am so grateful that I did. It has been the most rewarding music experience for me because I have so many people share their spiritual experiences they have had through my music. It is incredibly fulfilling as an artist!

“I put together The Hymns: Another Witness of Jesus Christ fireside late last year after reading Section 58:27 [of the Doctrine and Covenants]. ‘Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness’ and having the Spirit move me to use my talents to bless others with a Christ-centered narrative garnished with hymn arrangements and beautiful LDS art and video. My favorite part of the fireside, by far, is to mingle with the Saints and investigators and to feel of their strong testimonies and faith.”

Smith, who served in the Arizona Holbrook Navajo speaking mission, is no stranger to desiring to help others come closer to Christ and feels music, particularly sacred music, is a tender means through which God speaks.

“The hymns have been given to us by direct revelation (D&C 25), and there’s a reason the Lord wants us to have inspiring music in our lives. You can read accounts of the composers and lyricists of the hymns—both member and non-member—and how they have felt moved upon by a higher power. The Lord speaks to us through music in ways words cannot express, truly a universal language of the heart.

Garth Smith with his wife Diane and daughters
Garth Smith with his wife Diane and daughters

“We have to be selective, though, in what type of music we listen to because there is power from both sides trying to influence us. I prayed with much fervor to have the Lord bless me with His Spirit, as I made these arrangements and my prayer is that the listener will be able to feel my testimony in every song.”

Garth Smith will be at Dallas LDS Books May 18th through the 21st for a signing event for his new cd How Beautiful Thy Temples. He makes his home in Oceanside, California, with his wife and two daughters.

To listen to complete free samples of Garth Smith’s music, go to

By Janene Nielsen

Janene Nielsen is a novelist, freelance journalist and Multi-Stake Public Affairs Assistant Director over Media Relations for the Fort Worth Coordinating Council of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints