Arlington, Family, JustServe, Service, Volunteer

Rachel’s House: A Labor of Love for Arlington’s Most Vulnerable

“We need your help,” says Dr. Renée Fowler Hornbuckle while walking through a duplex acquired by Destiny Empowerment Enterprises or DEE Inc. This nonprofit organization located in Arlington, Texas, aims to empower those that are in need.  Hornbuckle, founder & CEO of DEE INC. videos the house to show all the work that needs to be completed. 

 The duplex now called Rachel’s House will operate as a transitional living facility for young women who have aged out of foster care.  DEE Inc. has partnered with JustServe to renovate Rachel’s House through community volunteer efforts.

Ashley Dennis, formerly of the corporate world, has dedicated herself full time to leading DEE Inc.’s Supervised Independent Living Program. Her passion project, Rachel’s House, is a haven for young women with aspirations who need a helping hand. Dennis emphasizes the crucial role of the community in bringing this vision to life. Whether it’s skilled labor, volunteer time, supplies, or financial contributions, every bit helps transform Rachel’s House into a reality.

Vida Presher, her husband and two children came to work on a hot night in July. Presher shared that she values helping others and wants to teach her “kids to do something that is more than just for themselves. That’s how the Savior taught us—to serve one another, and by doing so, we find joy and happiness.”

When asked why he chose to volunteer, Benet Sumner replied: “I don’t get a lot of opportunities to serve, so when I can serve, I am truly grateful to serve. I know this specific project really will mean a lot to the women that need help. It’s my little way to fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor. It’s hard work, but it’s a joy to be part of doing good in the world. The world needs good things to be happening. I’m happy to contribute my little bit.”

Don Hoff, a volunteer of JustServe, was tasked with being a project manager, opening the home for volunteers, sharing tools and helping dictate what needed to be done on a given day. Hoff kept track of those who visited Rachel’s House to help turn it into a home. Huff shared “ 62 people have volunteered since starting this project. We are down to repairing the floors and painting. There are major repairs we cannot address, such as replacement of the back yard fence, repair of the left hand furnace and air conditioning closet.”

While progress has been made, Rachel’s House still requires additional work before welcoming its first residents. Hornbuckle expressed DEE Inc.’s dedication to the project and called on the community to join their efforts in transforming the duplex into a home. 

“We’re committed. It’s a big challenge, but it’s one God is going to bless us in. You’re making a difference in the life of a young person so they can emerge great citizens with great careers. They need your support. We need you,” Hornbuckle said.

Rachel’s House provides a safe space for young women to focus on their education, job training and life skills development. DEE urgently needs skilled volunteers like carpenters, HVAC technicians, and painters to complete these critical repairs. If you have the skills and the heart to help, please contact DEE Inc. at its Destiny Empowerment Enterprises website or Facebook Page.

Financial donations of any size will go a long way in helping us secure the necessary materials and potentially hire professionals for the remaining repairs. If you have any unused paint, tools, or building supplies you’d like to donate, please reach out. Be a gift to your community. Visit and find ways to bless others today.

Volunteers assist in cleaning the floors at Rachel’s House in Arlington, Texas. (Photo contributed by Presher family)