
Sounding the Call for Thanksgiving Turkeys!

Ever wondered how many frozen turkeys can fit in the back of a mid-sized SUV?  Well, some of the members of the Hurst Texas Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently learned that at least 57 can — with a little room to spare! 

What 57 frozen turkeys look like in the back of an SUV. Photo by Kiera Elledge.

Each year, the local women’s shelter hosts an in-person Thanksgiving dinner for all its clients and their children. However, with current COVID-19 restrictions, the event needed to be reimagined in 2020. As a result, the center’s director was concerned about their ability to acquire 50 – 60 turkeys to give out to the individual families without putting additional strain on their budget. Simultaneously, the Hurst Texas Stake was looking for opportunities for members to serve that would get them excited and help set the stage for the Church’s annual #LightTheWorld campaign, which begins December 1. Once the director and local church leaders put their heads together and came up with a plan, donations flew in (pun intended) from all over the Stake. 

When the need arose from a local women’s shelter for turkeys to distribute with their Thanksgiving meals, the turkey call went out, and our stake members sprang to action. The goal was to have each ward provide five turkeys, as the Stake had committed to supplying 50 for the shelter. In the end, the Hurst Stake gathered in a total of 57 turkeys ranging from 12 – 18 pounds each — almost 900 pounds of frozen birds! 

Missionaries serving in the Hurst Stake also volunteer at the shelter each week.  Ms. Brenda J., the center’s director, shared:

“The missionaries are great — they are so good and do so much to help us.  And I just love their energy!” 

With the turkeys at the ready, the full-time missionaries will help prepare the food boxes to be delivered to families for the Thanksgiving holiday.  They will also be on hand to say “Happy Thanksgiving” to those who pick up their turkeys at the shelter. 

What a great way to begin the holiday season!

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Shane K.

November 13, 2020

Great job! These women need the support and love from the community to feel part of it rather than being stranded on their own. The Missionaries provide the love, attention, and positive reinforcement that is needed, the community provides the temporal needs to survive.

Semisi K

November 13, 2020

Love it! Great job Hurst stake.