Christmas, Community, Light the World

Upcoming live nativity scene celebrates the season

By Aubrey Turner for the Prosper Press

Featured Image: Mary and Joseph sit together at the live nativity hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2020. Photo by Aubrey Turner

There are many symbols of Christmas that are common this time of year – snowmen, candy canes, poinsettias.  One of the most meaningful images for those who are Christian is the Nativity scene.  This year, Prosper residents have the opportunity to see this scene, as well as the journey leading to the birth, in live-action.  On December 11, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will host their annual Live Nativity Drive-Thru event at Frontier Park.   

The preparation for this event starts in October.  Organizer Lindsay Merkley oversees the numerous committees. 

“I work with all the committees to make sure we have enough volunteers in each area,” Merkley said.  “We have about 75 people who work on this project.  We also receive so many donations from people as we prepare for the event.”   

“I love this time of year,” Merkley said.  “This season is so much fun.  But I really love focusing on the birth of Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas.  It is rewarding to do this in Prosper because the community is so focused on what Jesus taught, especially kindness and love.  The fact that our emergency vehicles say ‘In God, We Trust’ really is an example of that.  I think these values are in common and I love to showcase that, especially this time of year.”

The event is a drive-thru event, which makes visiting the scene easy for families. 

“Families can come together in their cars and just focus on this story together,” Merkley said.  “We are so blessed that this weekend is so early in the month so we can refocus on the spirit of the season.  There is music and Scriptures for families to listen to while they drive through, and they will not have the distractions or cold that can come with an event that is outdoors.”  

Scott Evans is an actor in the scene. 

“For me, this event is both a ministry for others and really impacts my spirit as well.  I love Christmas.  Every single time someone says Merry Christmas they are testifying for Christ.  For me, to be able to participate in this, I am able to show my love for God and Jesus and my love for my community.” 

“When we are there, standing in front of the cars, it is surreal,” Evans said. “I remember thinking last year that we were moved from thinking of my comfort to thinking of the season.  It is a beautiful thing.  I try to imagine what it was like for the people we are representing.  It gives us a moment of pause in this busy season to reflect and be grateful for the birth of Jesus.”   

Richie Gillespie serves as the second counselor in the presidency of the Prosper Texas Stake.

“We do this ministry to bring the community together,” Gillespie said.  “We are offering this to all people, whether they are Christian or not.  This story is part of our history, and we know that people can appreciate that.  Certainly, everyone is welcome.”  

“We have six congregations in Proper and they are all coming together for this ministry,” Gillespie said.  “We have found that the drive-thru has been so successful.  People use technology to be able to listen to music and the Scripture this is based on.  We are so glad that this is an option for people because it allows people to enjoy this together.”   

The hope of the ministry leaders is for this Nativity Scene event to grow.

“This is not exclusive to our church, and we would love for other people to join us,” Gillespie said.  “The ultimate goal is for everyone to enjoy this.  Whether someone is Muslim, or Jewish, or not a believer at all, we welcome everyone.  Certainly, we are expressing our faith and our love for Jesus, but we really would love for this to be a multi-church event.  Prosper is such a great community and we really want to celebrate being together.”

  This article was published December 5, 2021, by The Prosper Press and can be read HERE.