WFAA: Rockwall 9-Year-Old Church Member Cherishes His New Gift
WFAA Reporter Sean Wiggy shared on Facebook about a local little church member: “If you need a reason to believe in miracles, this might convince you. So happy for Ridge and grateful that his gift will keep on giving.” Read full WFAA story
The Rockwall family from our church, Tagg and Katie Petersen, got the unexpected call that a heart was available for their 9-year-old son in December.
The church family and community have come together in a big way to lift and support the Petersen family in love and faith – from donations, meals, prayers and messages.
Katie Petersen said, “We have felt SO loved and supported by our family, friends, community and total strangers. While this trial hasn’t been easy, I wish that everyone could feel love and support like we have felt over the past few weeks. There aren’t words to express how much every act of kindness and service have meant to us.”
Of the experience, Tagg Petersen said, “We’ve witnessed miracle after miracle in the past two weeks, and so many prayers have been mercifully answered. God has kept His promise: ‘I will go before your face… my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.’ (Doctrine and Covenants 84:88) Countless prayers and acts of service have been offered on Ridge’s behalf, and we’ve felt loved and supported every step of this journey. I am so grateful for a loving God that knows us, cares for us and is still working miracles in our lives. His timing is perfect.”
FOX News also featured A Second Chance for Ridge

(Photos of Ridge from Tagg Petersen)
Shortly after Ridge returned home from the hospital, Katie gave birth to their 6th baby boy! Congrats to Petersen family.