Colleyville, DFW Leadership Series, Event, Interfaith

DFW Leadership Series Welcomes Jewish Leader, Howard Rosenthal

Please join us for our first DFW Leadership Series event of 2024, An Evening with Howard Rosenthal. Mr. Rosenthal is the Associate Director of the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the Founder of Peace Together, and former President of Congregation Beth Israel (Colleyville). He is also a skilled corporate attorney and experienced legal negotiator. On Thursday, January 11, Mr. Rosenthal will be interviewed by Daniel Heid, and will share his thoughts on leading people through crisis and finding common ground in interfaith communities. 

The DFW Leadership Series holds several meetings per year featuring speakers from across the spectrum of leadership, from healthcare executives and military leaders to business visionaries and entrepreneurs. Each speaker focuses their presentation on ethical leadership practices and lessons they have learned through their successes and failures. The event is always held at 500 W. McDonwell School Road in Colleyville. All are welcome at these events! We invite you to follow along on Facebook or sign up for email updates and announcements here.