Dallas, Family, North Texas

Three Generations Take to the Skies

By Tamara Castaneda with contributions from Carolynn Spencer

As Memorial Day approached, the Thaden family geared up for an exhilarating adventure that spanned three generations. On this special occasion, Merry and Russell Thaden, along with their extended family, took to the skies at the Skydive Spaceland Dallas Center for a series of tandem parachute jumps.

The Thaden family’s connection to skydiving runs deep. Merry and Russ first crossed paths in 1972 through the Brigham Young University Sport Parachute Club, and their shared passion for adrenaline-fueled free-falls eventually blossomed into a lasting marriage. Last year, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, a milestone marked by countless jumps and unforgettable memories.

But the thrill of skydiving didn’t stop with Merry and Russ. Merry’s mother, Marvel Crookston, a mother of 16, joined the family tradition, making several parachute jumps just weeks after Merry’s inaugural leap. Merry and Russ earned Expert Parachutist licenses from the US Parachute Association, solidifying their status as seasoned skydivers. Even during Merry’s pregnancies, the family’s commitment to the sport remained unwavering—almost all of their seven children experienced their first “prenatal” parachute jumps while Merry was expecting.

This past Memorial weekend, the Thaden family took their love for skydiving to new heights. Three generations participated in tandem jumps, each strapped to an experienced “tandem master.” The lineup included Merry and Russ, their daughters Tamara Castaneda and Jennifer Webeck, and their grandchildren Meagan Chase, Jacob Castaneda, Isabelle Thaden, and Sophia Manganiello.

Several big events were celebrated with this jump. Merry and Tamara marked milestone birthdays—70 and 50 respectively. Sophia and Isabelle just graduated from local high schools, Meagan recently got engaged, and Jacob will soon be leaving on a two-year mission to Peru as a representative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Castaneda, Thaden, and Manganiello families, residents of the greater Dallas area, gathered for this special occasion. Russ and Merry live in Atchison, Kansas, while Jennifer came from Monterey, California.

And why, you might wonder, would anyone willingly leap out of a “perfectly good airplane”? Russ and Merry have a straightforward motto: “If the plane has problems, we’ll go for help.”

Reflecting on the experience, Tamara Castaneda said, “As the plane was ascending and I was looking out the window to the landscape below, the thought came to mind: ‘This is what grace is.’ I had a feeling of peace and calm that transcended any worldly concerns. In a way, I was experiencing what it means to ‘think Celestial’.”

The Thaden family’s adventurous spirit and tight-knit family bonds continue to defy gravity, making this Memorial Day skydiving escapade a testament to love, courage, and the joy of shared experiences.