Community, JustServe, Service

Volunteers Transform Waxahachie CARE Vegetable Garden

How members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Waxahachie partnered with the local food pantry, Waxahachie CARE, to bless those in need.

On March 5, approximately 60 members of the Waxahachie 1st Ward of the Dallas Texas Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints converged on several overgrown garden beds in back of the pantry’s property. Teams of volunteers went to work removing weeds and dead plants, preparing the soil, and planting vegetables so the pantry could soon offer fresh produce to supplement the dry goods and food items they provide to local families in need.

JustServe Specialists Chelsea Ashdown and Kalie Knaras were tasked with finding an impactful project that would bless the community and bring ward members together in a spirit of service. They used to track volunteers and organize the project. Donations from The Greenery, a local family-owned nursery, Home Depot in Waxahachie, and monetary donations from church and community members helped bring the project together.

Ashdown said, “It was heaven-sent how it worked out. When Kalie and I first approached the pantry and took a tour, we didn’t think we would be able to create a project with the organization that would include families because there seemed to be some obvious dangers that little ones could get into while working in a packed pantry. As we were outside leaving and saying goodbye, the facility manager looked to his right and suddenly thought to grab a key to unlock their back fence and show us the abandoned garden. I think he was surprised at our reaction and how we immediately envisioned how we could create a transformation. We had instantly found our project and could see how to include everyone in the ward.”

The completed work will bless Waxahachie CARE and the community. “But as is usually the case when we serve the Lord,” Bishop Jason Holloway of the Waxahachie 1st Ward noted, “A deeper blessing was found through the project. A special spirit prevailed during the project. Members felt it and knew they were part of something special. The scriptures teach that faith is like a small seed. I know we planted a lot of seeds today: some in the dirt, and others in the hearts.”

Waxahachie CARE is a non-profit organization that provides food and utility assistance for those living in poverty or crisis situations.  

Featured Photo: Members of the Waxahachie 1st Ward used to track volunteers and organize a project reclaiming the overgrown garden beds at the Waxahachie CARE food pantry. All photos by Chelsea Ashdown.