The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
in North Texas

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Giving Machines Returning

The Light the World Texas Giving Machines will be returning in 2024 to new locations and serving five local charities. Stay tuned here…or read a recap of 2023 below. 


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Join us in collecting as much Peanut Butter as we can to donate to the North Texas Food Bank this month!

See the post on JustServe North Texas for all the info and links!👇 

----- ESP:  -----

¡Únase a nosotros para recolectar tanta mantequilla de maní/cacahuate como podamos para donar al Banco de Alimentos del Norte de Texas este mes! 

¡Vea la publicación en JustServe North Texas para obtener toda la información y los enlaces! 👇

Join us in collecting as much Peanut Butter as we can to donate to the North Texas Food Bank this month!

See the post on JustServe North Texas for all the info and links!👇

----- ESP: -----

¡Únase a nosotros para recolectar tanta mantequilla de maní/cacahuate como podamos para donar al Banco de Alimentos del Norte de Texas este mes!

¡Vea la publicación en JustServe North Texas para obtener toda la información y los enlaces! 👇📢📢 Join us SEPTEMBER 1-30 📢📢

Plano, TX - JustServe is teaming up with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Plano to participate in the Peanut Butter Drive to help the @NorthTexasFoodBank collect this needed kid-friendly food item.

Three ways to donate:

🥜 Bring jars to the drop off boxes at your nearest Church building for the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
(Find your nearest location: 👉🏼 )

🥜 Visit the Plano Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints link:

🥜 Or scan the QR code attached.

—————— ESPAÑOL ——————

📢📢 Únete a nosotros DEL 1 AL 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE 📢📢

Plano, TX - Estamos participando en la Colecta de Mantequilla de Maní/Cacahuate para ayudar a North Texas Food Bank (Banco de Alimentos del Norte de Texas) a recolectar este alimento necesario para los niños.

Tres formas de donar:

🥜 Lleva frascos a los buzones de entrega en el edificio de la Iglesia más cercano para el Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. (Encuentre su ubicación más cercana: 👉🏼

🥜 Visite el enlace de la Estaca Plano de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días:

🥜 O escanee el código QR adjunto.
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3 days ago

Volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came together with members of the community to serve at the DFW National Cemetery on September 11. ... See MoreSee Less

4 days ago
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Temples in North Texas

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been building temples since the 1830s. Temples are considered houses of God, places of holiness and peace separate from the world’s preoccupations. They provide a place where Church members can make formal promises and commitments to God to follow His son, Jesus Christ, and live righteous lives. God promises to bless and strengthen those who stay true to these sacred promises. Learn more about the temples located in North Texas below.